by Carla | Blog, Brand and Visual Magic, Brand Photography Notes, Headshots & Teams, Personal Branding Photography, Tips, Tricks and Tools
If I had a penny for every time someone told me they hate having their photo taken, I’d be a rich woman. But if you run a business, your photos can really elevate your marketing – and if you’re putting them off, or not marketing much, because you...
by Carla | Blog, Business Magic, Creativity, Multipod Life & Business, Multipoddery, News, News & Press, Portfolio Careers, Tips, Tricks and Tools, Work Happy
Your next car journey and editing session just got more fun… Some things in business take their sweet time, but are worth the wait… and Creative Reboot is one of those things! About 18 months ago, Sarah Wayte and I came up with the name & concept of a...
by Carla | Blog, Brand and Visual Magic, Brand Photography Notes, Business Magic, Love your business, On-brand business, Personal Branding Photography, Tips, Tricks and Tools
So you’re thinking about booking a personal branding shoot and you can mostly see why you’d quite like some up to date photos of you, doing your business thing. But where the hell do you use them once you have them?! Here are some ideas: Profile photos...
by Carla | Blog, Brand and Visual Magic, Brand Photography Notes, Tips, Tricks and Tools
We’ve all been there – writing an article, adding something to our website or just needing a background photo for social media. If you’re not yet at the stage where you need your own bespoke picture library, what’s a girl to do when she needs...
by Carla | Blog, Tips, Tricks and Tools
404 pages are a pain in the butt. Often resulting from people typing the wrong thing, a broken link, or other small gremlins lurking in your site, getting a 404 page tells you that what you have attempted to access doesn’t exist. And usually, they are boring as...
by Carla | Blog, Brand and Visual Magic, Brand Photography Notes, Business Magic, Journal, On-brand business, Personal Branding Photography, Tips, Tricks and Tools
I’m now caught up with editing & well into the swing of planning for next year (despite this bloody cough which won’t go away) – so here’s a nudge if you’re in the middle of your own planning. GOOD BRILLIANT PHOTOS MATTER! Good photos...