Ooof, long time no post! It’s been a mad few months, and I have a whole bunch of new things waiting in the wings for you – new posts, refreshed email newsletter shininess, shoot packages, exciting shop updates, and also glorious things to tell you about like a writing retreat, a wild magic shoot in Edinburgh, new colourful hair and my first art exhibition.

But as per the Law of Self Employed Creatives, everything takes approximately 83,000 times longer than planned, so I’m just checking in to reassure you that a) I’m still here and b) things are still happening and c) you can still book for both brand shoots and mentoring, just give me a shout and I’ll let you know what’s available.
And… please excuse the wonky bits while I make my much loved but recently neglected website beautiful again!
Questions? Thoughts? Random 3am musings? Give me a shout – – and we’ll chat!