A few days ago, I saw a link to an article on living life on purpose.
I loved the phrasing… on purpose is exactly how I try to live and design my life, and why I get so frustrated (and I know you do too) when people look at what you’ve created, and say, “oh, you’re so lucky. I wish I could do what you do.”
Luck, as you know, has very little to do with it… it’s all about what you’ve done, on purpose, to get you to where you are.
And it follows that what comes next is all about what you choose, with purpose, to move to the next level.
Reading those courses and articles, watching the videos, listening to the podcasts – and then actually implementing what you’ve learned and doing the work.
Not staying in a job you hate, but finding one that works better for you while you build the business of your dreams on the side.
Purpose has another meaning, too – your purpose, what you do, what you stand for – as a mentor of mine puts it, what you can’t NOT do.
Alongside photography, I help women with self-confidence, I’m an artist, mermaid & boudoir photographer, and I co-own & co-run both a stationery subscription company, and a chocolate company. Across them all, my reason (my purpose!) is the same.
I help you, and give you permission, to be completely yourself in every facet of your life (including in your beloved business).
To daydream, to play, to use your imagination. To explore self-expression without self-consciousness. I give you the self-belief and confidence to create without fear and live your best life – and show off your true self to the world.
The more yourself you are, the more your ideal people will find you, love you, talk about you and (essential for business, this one) buy from you. With no hesitation, because they feel like they know the real you. Like you’re talking to them, directly and from your heart.
I bet you’re here because you know I run multiple businesses, because you know I’m also a mermaid, or both.
See how magical it can be?
It’s really bloody hard to shift into doing that when you’ve been surrounded by corporate BS for most of your working life, but I promise it’s possible. Talk to your clients like you’d talk to your friends, and you have a really good start.
(it’s for this reason I love Kristen Kalp so much. She has pink hair, the word “fuck” appears in big letters on her landing page (and also within fifteen seconds of talking to her on the phone or in real life, which is why it’s perfect) and all her brand photos are of her on a beautiful but unmade, gloriously messy bed. I knew the second I landed on her site that what she wrote would be right up my street!)
So what about you? How do you live your life on purpose? And what might your own overarching purpose be? I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments.
With love & unicorns,