Seven, or is it eight, weeks in, and like you, I’m really missing my usual business life. Most of all, my clients – I love photographing my cats, but they get stroppy about it when it’s continuous!

So imagine how pleased I was to come across Joss and Fia, an artist and a photographer who share a studio space and who really wanted a brand shoot during lockdown…
Joss is an artist & a musician, broadcasting her work via Youtube, and Fia is a photographer & online entrepreneur, currently working on product shots and updating her online presence. Sound familiar? Yay, small business Barbie does exist!
Here’s some highlights from the rest of their session to make you smile:

I am particularly proud of the tiny laptop I made from an SD card case. Yes, there’s every possibility I’ve cracked during isolation, but I had such a good time shooting them, and I hope it’s brightened your day.
Fancy your own shoot?
Updated – now lockdown is over brand shoots are back to normal – drop me a note if you’re thinking about one of your own.
And if you’re ever feeling a bit wobbly, come and join us over in the Improper Job Collective, it’s a very supportive, friendly place to be right now. (no spam, unsubscribe any time, of course)