When it comes to planning, I can be both detailed and a bit big-pictureish. With the business I have really clear goals mapped out, and ways to get there, plus systems & content plans because that’s (weirdly) part of what I find fun about running a business.
For myself as a whole, I usually pick a main word for the year and two supporting ones – with the intention that they’ll keep me on track for whatever it is I’m aiming to do during the year. Last year was Intention, supported by Nourish and Boundaries. This year, I’ve chosen Align, Ignite and Soar.
For the last five years I’ve made bracelets to keep my words close – talismans of my intentions for business and life.
This year, because I’ve been learning how to work in real silver over at Bench Space, I am debating making a piece in real silver rather than aluminium. So I don’t yet have a photo of this year’s.
But I did want to record this year’s words. 2020 is the first year where my planning has become about a much longer term business, where I’m not planning my escape, and instead am looking ahead to where I want my business & life to be in several years’ time. Over Christmas someone said to me that photography is my career now, and I did a bit of a double take – but it’s true. Instead of my previous portfolio career of random things, now I have a portfolio career which is primarily photography – and it feels glorious! (Though I definitely still need the variety of different clients, different genres and being able to play & learn.)
is about taking the reins this year, and making sure that everything I do, from my business to my life and everything in between, is in alignment with my values. It feels like the next step from INTUITION, which was last year’s word and which has now become much more of a habit.
is a reminder to keep being excited, that even while I build, for the first time, a business & career which I can see spanning decades. It’s a reminder to learn and keep discovering new things.
sort of does what it says on the tin. I have found my wings and taken my first flight into the unknown. Now it’s time for me to soar.
I’ll keep you posted when I’ve made these into a piece of jewellery!