by Carla | Journal, Planning, Words of the Year
Every year, I choose three words to guide me through the year, and to keep close. They help me with decisions, plans, and sometimes just with feelings – because they’re chosen based very much on how I want to feel and be and show up. Some years words...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Brand and Visual Magic, Journal, News, On-brand business, Studio
Welp, time has got oozy again and just seems to fly past when I blink – but as I’ve been in my glorious new studio space for nearly nine months I figured it was high time I did a little introduction and let you see it! You might have seen odd snippets on...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Colourful Magical Life, Journal
It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like blogging anywhere, despite having so many and varied outlets for my written thoughts. Something which was once essential to my wellbeing and happiness (my “oversharing online” as more than one person...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Colourful Magical Life, Journal, Witchery
I’ve mentioned in passing that I decided this year to change my new year – and move it to the start of February. While it feels like the most sensible and aligned decision I’ve made in some time, a few people have asked me why, so I thought I’d...
by Carla | Blog, Colourful Magical Life, Journal, Words of the Year
Each year, I choose three words to take through the year with me. They vary depending on the year I’ve just had, the mood I’m in and the way I’m feeling about the year ahead, but they are always useful. This year, as I made the decision to move all...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Events, Journal, Love your business, Multipod Life & Business, Multipoddery, Workshops & Speaking
Essex never fails to amaze me with its support of the amazing variety of businesses based here. Admittedly, I started my first business shortly after moving here 14 years back, but it has always felt like a creative, supportive and entrepreneurial part of the UK...