Your next car journey and editing session just got more fun…

Some things in business take their sweet time, but are worth the wait… and Creative Reboot is one of those things!

About 18 months ago, Sarah Wayte and I came up with the name & concept of a new podcast exploring business, creativity, life & friendship – with the honesty & behind the scenes struggles as well as the excitement and celebration of milestones which go with being in business.

Here we are in my garden, a few days before Sarah emigrated!

Going from living 30 miles apart to having more than 4,600 miles between us was also a challenge, but made our project more meaningful, as maintaining long distance friendships can be hard, and this has given us the best excuse to chat.

Also, I’m a night owl and Canada is 8 hours behind the UK, so we’ve kept each other going & accountable on many a dark night of the soul since we both went full time with our businesses…

But I digress. What is Creative Reboot? It’s a new podcast, initially with episodes dropping monthly, and we’ll be talking about life & business & creativity. It’ll be like sitting with us while we drink pepsi max and put the world to rights, and we’re also planning to feature interviews with a wonderful range of creative humans from all kinds of industries.

I always look this cool when I’m working and recording. Honest!

It’s going to be a mixture of inspiration, motivation and a loving kick up the arse to get your own thing off the ground – whatever it is. And most importantly, it’s going to be a community of people who get that weird creative thing 🙂

We’re currently on iTunes, Spotify & Stitcher, and will be on most podcast platforms & apps, plus socials in a month or so. Come join us at, and subscribe to get notified when new episodes are ready to listen to!