Oh, hello loves! I have been horribly sidetracked from #marchmeetthemaker over the last couple of weeks so will attempt to have a little catch up over the coming days, alongside my normal posts. I hope you’re all ok and staying safe and well – we are living in the strangest of times.

Prompt 16 was self care, which feels very relevant – here are my cats Luna & Clover, who are part of my self care routine. Every morning I get up, feed them, write morning pages over breakfast, and then after my shower, we all snuggle up for cuddles. It’s one of the best perks of self employment and it’s really helping my mood & mental health at the moment.
In other self care, I try to make sure that my balance between alone time & social contact is right, as I live alone, relish solitude and can be a bit of a hermit, but actually thrive on connections & deep conversation. I just need to remember to allow space for them!

For the last fortnight, all connection has been done online, via Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout and a million other conferencing facilities. I am ridiculously grateful to live in the internet age, and while the current situation is in many ways terrifying, it has brought the internet’s capabilities into sharp focus. Even my Mum can video call now!
To make isolation, working remotely and the general fear at the moment slightly better, this week I will be running my first virtual lunchbreaks. Which are free, no pressure, no faff ways to hang out with some other nice people while you’re having a break from work.
They won’t be daily, because we are all spending quite enough time on our screens as it is, but they will be at least once a week, and I’ll release details as soon as I’ve confirmed everything.
Hop on the mailing list if you want to make sure you don’t miss them!