by Carla | Blog, Business Magic, Creativity, Love your business, Mindset, Multipod Issues, Work Happy
I’ve had the word “balance” as one of my yearly words at least three times. It’s a word you see and hear bandied around a lot whenever you’re googling speedy self care at 4am after another late night working. (I know this isn’t just...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Colourful Magical Life, Journal, Mindset, Tips, Tricks and Tools
31st May marks an anniversary – a whole year of morning pages! What are morning pages? Created (in the form I’m familiar with, at least) by Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way, morning pages are three A4 pages, or approximately 750 words, of long form,...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Flexible Working, Mindset
Oh, hello loves! I have been horribly sidetracked from #marchmeetthemaker over the last couple of weeks so will attempt to have a little catch up over the coming days, alongside my normal posts. I hope you’re all ok and staying safe and well – we are...
by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Business Magic, Business systems, Flexible Working, Improper Jobs, Mindset, Tips, Tricks and Tools
Working remotely, working from home and generally keeping going without going to your actual workplace is a hot topic at the moment, and is suddenly happening on a massive scale. While it’s not the way I’d have chosen for it to take off (cheers,...
by Carla | Blog, Business Magic, Journal, Mindset, Multipod Life & Business
What are you dreaming of? What are your wishes and hopes for your business and life? As business owners, our lives are so caught up in our businesses, so intertwined that we often can’t disentangle the two. Since leaving my day job I’ve been doing, every...
by Carla | Blog, Colourful Magical Life, Creativity, Journal, Mindset
Happy Tuesday, loves! It’s been the weirdest journey since leaving the day job and leaping into full time self employment. Today I wanted to remind you to remember to listen to your soul. Even when you’re doing what you always wanted to do, there will be...