by Carla | Behind the scenes, Blog, Business Magic, Colourful Magical Life, Journal, Mindset, Multipod Life & Business, Portfolio Careers, Work Happy
Well, technically three, because my next day at the day job (which is also my last) is in fact on Tuesday. But OMFG I can’t believe how fast it’s come round! After years of extolling the virtues of a month’s notice rather than three, I ended up...
by Carla | Blog, Mindset, Multipod Issues, Multipod Life & Business, Multipoddery
Oh, lovely. Another day where you leave your soul at the door in order to make a living, a day where you feel permanently misunderstood, a day where you just can’t seem to communicate what you mean properly to anyone? Another moment when you try SO hard to...
by Carla | Blog, Business Magic, Journal, Mindset, Multipod Life & Business
Are you finding that life gets busier and busier, seemingly by the day? Since leaving the London job for my beloved businesses & a day job nearer home, I try really hard not to glorify busy – to only say I’m busy if I actually am, and to try and make...
by Carla | Blog, Business Magic, Journal, Mindset, Multipod Life & Business, Tips, Tricks and Tools
Just wanted to record something that happened yesterday, which I felt was a really good marker of how far I’ve come in business mindset since I started out with Ducking Fabulous in 2009. Popping up to a colleague’s office after a meeting, we got talking to...
by Carla | Blog, Business Magic, Journal, Mindset, Multipod Life & Business, Work Happy
So many conversations I’ve had recently about Being In Business. “I don’t feel like a proper businesswoman.” “I don’t feel like the word entrepreneur describes me.” “My day job is ok.” “I don’t want to...
by Carla | Blog, Journal, Love your business, Mindset, Multipod Life & Business
Some days, you just don’t want to blog. Or, more accurately, you want to blog, but the words are just not coming.  And yes, I fully appreciate the irony of this being a blog post. The endless sea of gurus telling you “you should blog” “blog all...